Are You Tired Of Living In Insecurity After Being Hit With A Herpes Diagnosis?

Do You Feel Like You’re Living In The Dark With No Idea On How To Control Your Future Breakouts?

Has Disclosure Been A Terrifying Habit For You To Adopt?

When a herpes diagnosis hits your life, you feel like it’s over. Your confidence drops to zero, and the self-esteem you’ve spent years building gets completely destroyed by something you don’t know anything about.

Your mind spirals, and you keep thinking to yourself:

Will anyone ever want to date me again?

Is my future doomed for life?

Will I ever be able to find a partner that accepts me?

You feel scared to let the people around you know because you feel like you’ll be pitied and seen as “The person that has herpes”, which is something you never thought you’d have to worry about, but here you are…

So what’s next? Should you keep living the same way and carry your insecurities with you to work, into relationships, and everywhere in your personal and social life?

I Was Exactly Where You Are Today And I Managed To Make It Out.

My name is Christopher, and I’m here to be the first one to tell you that no, your life doesn’t have to be this way. Why should you listen to me? Because I’ve been where you are right now and I’ve managed to find my way out.

I understand how it feels to be labeled with Herpes, and how it affects your relationships, confidence, and career.

And with a set of simple, yet effective self-improvement habits and mindset shifts, you too can break free from HSV, and regain control over your life to grow and thrive into a more confident YOU!

You Now Have Access To The Same System That Helped Me Get To Where I Am Today!

That’s exactly what I’m here to offer you: An all-in-one course and transformational program that can help you grow out of the hold that Herpes has got on your life, and grant yourself a happier, healthier future.

Inside you’ll find:

  • A complete blueprint for how you can manage outbreaks and limit them in the future.

  • How to become immune to judgment and rejection.

  • Understanding the virus family and different HSV variations and how transmission works so you can minimize your chances of affecting other people.

  • Disclosing with complete confidence and how to walk into any relationship without HSV-2 stopping you.

  • Transforming your body and getting into your dream shape through a healthy, sustainable physical fitness program.

  • The complete history of herpes stigma and its origins.

And If That’s Not Enough, I’m Giving You A Collection Of FREE Bonuses That Amount To Over Double And Triple The Price You’re Paying For The Course Alone!

  • Exclusive interviews with industry-leading professionals who share million-dollar secrets to living with Herpes such as Terri Warren and Ina Park.

  • Lifetime access to a PRIVATE group of individuals from all walks of life who are going through the same experiences as you.

  • A FREE copy of my health and fitness book Balance: The Pickering Fitness Approach to Life and Health to help you build your mindset and your physical state consistently and sustainably.

  • Exclusive book list that guided me and empowered me through my diagnosis.

If You Don’t See Results In 30 Days, You Will Receive A Full Refund!

Your entire journey with the Breaking Free From HSV program is completely risk-free on your end, giving you a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not happy with your progress!

Join Me Today, And Invest In A Brighter, More Confident Future.

Break Free From Herpes Today!

What's Included In The Course

    1. Introduction

    1. Herpes 101

    2. Where Did The Stigma Come From?

    3. HSV-1 + HSV-2 and Prevalence

    4. Herpes Transmission and Rates

    5. What Is Shedding?

    6. Why Doctors Don't Test For Herpes

    7. Pregnancy And Herpes

    1. Intro To Stoicism

    2. How To Not Let Herpes Take Control Over YOU! - The Dichotomy of Control

    3. How To Be Immune To Rejection & Judgement! - Premeditatio Malorum

    4. How To Turn Your Herpes Diagnosis Into The BEST Thing That Happened To You! - Amor Fati

    5. The #1 Thing That Herpes Taught Me! - Memento Mori

    6. Journaling and Why It's Important

    7. Self Worth Exercise

    8. Guided Meditation

    1. Dealing With Outbreaks

    2. HSV "Triggers"

    3. Supplementation

    4. Medication

    1. Coming Out To Friends And Family

    2. Dating Guide

    3. Everything You Need To Know About Disclosure

    4. Disclosure Roleplay Ft. Suzbub - HSV-1

    5. Disclosure Roleplay Ft. Suzbub - HSV-2

    6. Disclosure Roleplay # 3 Ft. Suzbub

    7. Dealing With "Rejection"

    8. Disclosing Your Herpes Status: When It Goes Badly...

    9. Disclosing Your Herpes Status: The Friend Example

    10. Disclosing Your Herpes Status: The Testing Date Method

    11. Disclosing Your Herpes Status: The TikTok Cold Sore Method

    12. Disclosing Your Herpes Status: The TikTik STI Panel Method

    13. Disclosing Your Herpes Status: The Cold Sore Debate Method (HSV-2)

    14. Disclosing Your Herpes Status: The Cold Sore Debate Method (HSV-1)

    1. Why Physical Fitness Matters

    2. Basics of Fitness And Exercise

    3. Chest Training

    4. Back Training

    5. Shoulder Training

    6. Arm Training

    7. Lower Body Training

    8. Ab Training

    9. Sets/Reps/Rest Times

    10. How To Design Your Own Training Program

    11. Basics Of Nutrition

    12. "Diets"

    13. Setting Up Your Own Macros

    14. How To Track Macros

    15. Supplements 101

    16. Guided Yoga

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 57 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Meet Christopher

Hey! I’m Christopher, a fitness coach with HSV-2 who wasn’t going to let his diagnosis stop him from anything. Through a combination of self development, health and philosophy, I’m here to show you how you can not only survive, but THRIVE!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this course for?

    Anyone diagnosed with HSV regardless of type, location or length of diagnosis. Those JUST diagnosed will benefit heavily from getting all the information Google and doctors seldom provide. For those still struggling with coming to terms with their situation, this course is THE answer to breaking free once and for all!

  • What's the best way to take this course?

    This course is your personal blueprint to breaking free! Each module is like a building block, guiding you step-by-step on your journey. While you can jump around as you please, I recommend following the well-designed structure I've set up. And don't worry, with lifetime access, you can revisit and review each section as much as you need to make sure you've truly broken free!

  • What exactly does "Break Free From HSV" mean?

    Excellent question! While this course will not CURE you of the herpesvirus, it will inform you, empower you, build you and break you free from the shackles that this diagnosis has on you. What's the point if there is no cure? There are a lot of good treatment possibilities on the horizon and why not be at your best NOW and in the future if and when they're released to the public :)

  • Money is scarce right now, so why should I invest?

    While money is a renewable resource, unfortunately time is NOT and I don't want you spending anymore of your precious time dwelling and struggling with your diagnosis. If you've already spent a couple months or even years going in circles or worse yet stagnant due to your status, it's time you invested in your future self and happiness. The course also offers a 30 day money back guarantee so there's no risk to trying out the course today. If you're not satisfied at all or you simply just want the value for free (tsk tsk), send me an email at [email protected] and I can arrange a refund, no questions asked. If that investment is still too much right now, I totally understand! Please send me an email regardless and we can work out some sort of payment plan or discount as I'd rather help than gatekeep this content from anyone.

  • How many languages are offered?

    Currently, the audio/video is only in English but I have added subtitles in both English and Spanish. If you'd benefit from another language subtitled, please don't hesitate to reach out and send me an email! Helping as many individuals on a global scale is my goal. Contact me at [email protected]

If you are not totally satisfied or getting value out of the course within the first 30 days, send me an email at [email protected] and I'll issue a refund, no questions asked. Access to the content, resources, bonuses and community are not available upon refund.